Homeless Link is the national partner for this sector. They have a key role in helping successful applicants to progress their ideas and grow their enterprise activity.
The key contact at Homeless Link is their Enterprise Development Manager, Murphy Hopkins-Hubbard.
“As the Enterprise Development Manager for Homeless Link I have lead on the second phase of the initiative which has provided a broad range of support for charities and social enterprises in England, helping them make a transition to new enterprises or grow existing ones.”
If you would like to hear more please do get in touch on murphy.hopkins-hubbard@homelesslink.org.uk or 07950954470.
Please note that there are no further applications rounds planned for the homelessness sector at this time. The information below is provided for information only.
Eligibility Criteria for applicants
- You are a registered charity, CIC or a company limited by guarantee who invests any surplus for social purpose to help end homelessness.
- You can demonstrate evidence of trading or are actively looking to diversify and grow income through trading.
- You have the staff capacity and support of the board of trustees to engage fully with the programme.
- You can commit to playing an active part in contributing to the shared learning within the enterprise movement network.
- You are based in England with the majority of your beneficiaries in England.